This section presents the main characters of Tomb Raider II: Starring Lara Croft, along with their biography and image gallery. This game was the second game of the saga and developed by CORE Design.

Lara Croft

Lara Croft was born in Parkside Hospital (Surrey) on February 14, 1968, her parents were Amelia Croft and the renowned archaeologist Lord Richard Croft, Earl of Abbingdon.

Between the ages of three and six, she attended the Abbingdon Girls School, where it quickly became clear that she was an exceptionally gifted child.

At the age of nine she survived a plane crash in the Himalayas that took the life of her mother. In perhaps the first story of her prodigious indomitability, she somehow survived a solo ten-day trek across the Himalayan mountains, one of the most hostile environments on the planet. The story goes that when she arrived in Katmandu she went to the nearest bar and made a polite telephone call to her father asking if it would be convenient for him to come and pick her up.

For six years following the plane crash, Lara rarely left her father’s side, traveling around the world from one archeological dig site to another. During this period she was ostensibly given a standard education from private tutors, but it would probably be more accurate to say she was her father’s full time apprentice.

When Lara was fifteen, her father went missing in Cambodia. Extensive searches by the authorities and Lara herself turned up human remains that could not definitively be identified. Since Lord Croft’s body was not officially recovered, Lara could not directly inherit the Croft title and Lara was thrust into a bitter family feud over control of the Abbingdon estates with her uncle Lord Errol Croft. Lara eventually won the legal battle, and took possession of her inheritance but at the cost of a deep rift in the Croft family that left her estranged from her living relatives.

Complete Lara Croft Biographies

The complete biography of Lara Croft is very extensive and complex, the character was developed as the protagonist of Tomb Raider (1996), developed by CORE Design. In 2006 was released the first reboot of the saga, Tomb Raider Legend, developed by Crystal Dynamics, and in 2013 gets a second reboot by the same company.

Crystal Dynamics announced that the future of the saga will involve a reunification of the timelines of the CORE Design games and the two Crystal Dynamics reboots, with all installments being canon.

Therefore, you can click on the following picture to access the complete official biography of CORE Design and Crystal Dynamics. Get to know details and curiosities of her life, time line, etc.


Winston Smith was born on February 7, 1924 in Connussie, Ireland.

Fought in World War II. Decorated in the El-Alarnetn desert campaign, under Montgomery, and honorably retired after being wounded in battle. After returning home, he worked with his father as a forester, under local ownership. He befriended Lord Henshingly Croft by organizing shooting excursions and offered himself into his service as a butler.

As Lara’s parents’ excursions continued around the world, Winston became like a father to Lara, a bond that endures to this day. He was also butler to Lara’s aunt, who upon her death inherited her Surrey mansion, and he was her butler and friend.

Winston’s family has been with the Crofts for several generations, and he has been the family butler since he left the army shortly before his thirtieth birthday, just as his father did. He moved to Croft Manor and became the only full-time servant after the death of his wife, shortly before Lara was born.

He attends to all of Lara’s domestic needs, and his duties go beyond the usual ones for a butler, in keeping with our heroine’s peculiar lifestyle. He has never let Lara down. His loyalty to Lara, her parents and Croft Manor is unbribable.

Chan Barkhang

At a young age, Chan was admitted to the Barkhang monastery by his parents, as they feared he would be killed by the invading Chinese. Upon entering the monastery, Chan adopted the same surname. Chan’s father bombed a luxury cruise ship at sea because it was carrying the Seraph, an artifact that would eventually lead its owner to the dagger. The owner in this case was Gianni Bartoli, leader of the Fiamma Nera sect/organization that aims to recover the dagger. In 1997, the Fiamma Nera discovered the wreck of Gianni’s ship, the Maria Doria, after many years.

Aware of this, Chan infiltrated the Fiamma Nera’s maritime platform to try to stop them. Marco and other members of the Fiamma Nera tried to find out the exact location of the Talion under the monastery. With great mental strength, Chan was able to resist the torture.


Claudio was commissioned by Marcus Bartoli to safeguard the entrance to the Dragon Emperor’s palace in China. He set up a small camp in the cave where the gates were located under the Great Wall of China.

Marco Bartoli

When his father, Gianni, was leader of the Fiamma Nera, Gianni confided to young Marco that he possessed an artifact called the Seraph that would bring them closer to find the Dagger of Xian. However, on the boat trip, the Maria Doria, heading for Tibet, their ship was bombed by Tibetan monks. The Seraph was lost somewhere in the depths of the ocean.

Marco inherited the position of leader and, not knowing where exactly the ship had sunk, the Fiamma Nera spent years searching for the location.

After Gianni’s death, his mansion on Via Caravelli became Marco’s hideout.