During the promotion of Tomb Raider II: Starring Lara Croft and its expansion The Golden Mask, Rhona Mitra was hired to attend videogame events and make the game more known. Here is some information about her.

Rhona Mitra – Tomb Raider II: Starring Lara Croft

Name: Rhona Mitra

Promotion year: 1997

Birth date: August 9th, 1976

Birth Place: Paddington (London), England

Eyes colour: Brown

Hair colour: Brown

Height: 1.73 m

Rhona is daughter of Nora and Anthony Mitra, a renowned plastic surgeon, she has two brothers, one older and one younger. Her father is of Indian descent, while her mother is Irish. Rhona Mitra was chosen to promote the second game as Lara Croft model, thanks to her extraordinary physical resemblance to the protagonist.

Rhona’s first public appearances were a success, but the need to consult with Core for every line she had to say in magazines, and her participation in programs and shows, it wasn’t the original idea by her.